Not sure if this is something to be proud of, or ashamed about, but I’m using (or have used) about 70% of the applications in the list. The encouraging thing is to note how many of these applications are free to use.The list has been compiled from a cohort of learning professionals who shared their Top 10 Tools for Learning
both for their own personal learning/productivity and for
learning solutions for others.If you want to influence the list and rankings, then head off to the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies.
TOP 10
Key to availability: D=download; H=hosted; C=insert code onto page
Ranking |
Tool |
Votes |
Description |
Cost |
Avail |
2008 |
2007 |
1 |
2 |
58 |
del.icio.usSocial bookmarking tool |
Free |
H |
2 |
1 |
50.5 |
FirefoxWeb browser |
Free |
D |
3 |
3= |
43.5 |
SkypeInstant messaging, VoIP tool |
Free |
D |
4 |
7= |
42 |
Google ReaderRSS/Feed reader |
Free |
H |
5 |
3= |
38.5 |
Google SearchWeb search tool |
Free |
H |
6 |
6 |
35 |
WordPressBlogging tool |
Free |
H/D |
7 |
5 |
32.5 |
PowerPointPresentation software |
£ |
D |
8 |
14 |
29 |
Google DocsWeb-based documents |
Free |
H |
9 |
11 |
28 |
AudacitySound editor and recorder |
Free |
D |
10 |
7= |
27 |
GMailWeb-based email |
Free |
H |
TOP 11-20
Ranking |
Tool |
Votes |
Description |
Cost |
Avail |
2008 |
2007 |
11 |
26= |
26.5 |
WikipediaOnline encylopedia |
Free |
H |
12 |
9 |
26 |
BloggerBlogging tool |
Free |
H |
13 |
12= |
26 |
MoodleCourse management system |
Free |
D/H |
14= |
17= |
20 |
iGooglePersonalised start page |
Free |
H |
31= |
20 |
SlideshareHosting/sharing presentations |
Free |
H |
16= |
22= |
19 |
YouTubeVideo hosting/sharing site. |
Free |
H |
16 |
19 |
flickrPhoto storage/sharing site |
Free |
H |
43= |
19 |
twitterMicroblogging and social network |
Free |
H |
19 |
31= |
18 |
NingSocial networking tool |
Free |
H |
20 |
15 |
17 |
WikispacesWiki tool |
Free/£ |
H |
Ranking |
Tool |
Votes |
Description |
Cost |
Avail |
2008 |
2007 |
21= |
22= |
15 |
ArticulatePresenter/Engage/Quizmaker |
£ |
D |
101= |
15 |
VoiceThreadCollaborative slideshows |
Free/£ |
H |
23= |
12= |
13 |
BloglinesRSS/Feed reader |
Free |
H |
26= |
13 |
SnagitScreen capture tool |
Free/£ |
D |
10 |
13 |
WordWord processing software |
£ |
D |
26 |
17= |
12 |
CaptivateDemo and scenario-based tool |
£ |
D |
27= |
17= |
11 |
FacebookSocial networking site |
Free |
H |
26= |
11 |
iTunesMusic and podcast player |
Free |
D |
29 |
17= |
10 |
OutlookEmail software |
£ |
D |
30 |
43= |
9 |
FlashAnimation authoring tool |
£ |
D |
36= |
9 |
Google CalendarWeb-based calendar |
Free |
H |
– |
9 |
JingRecord/share screen captures/casts |
Free |
D/H |
101= |
9 |
PageflakesStart page |
Free |
H |
57= |
9 |
Zoho SuiteOnline office suite |
Free |
H |
35= |
50= |
8 |
Camtasia StudioScreencasting tool |
£ |
D |
31= |
8 |
LinkedInSocial network |
Free/£ |
H |
17= |
8 |
MindManagerMind mapping tool |
£ |
D |
38= |
31= |
7 |
OpenOfficeOffice software suite |
Free |
D |
43= |
7 |
PB WikiWiki tool |
Free/£ |
H |
57= |
7 |
TypePadBlogging tool |
£ |
H |
41= |
26= |
6 |
DreamweaverWeb authoring tool |
£ |
D |
36= |
6 |
Google MapsMaps of the US. UK, etc |
Free |
H |
101= |
6 |
Second LifeVirtual world application |
Free |
H |
44 |
22= |
5.5 |
ExcelSpreadsheet software |
£ |
D |
45= |
72= |
5 |
Adobe Connect Web meeting/conferencing |
£ |
H |
– |
5 |
Blogs and blogging toolsOf all types |
Free/£ |
H/D |
72= |
5 |
diigoSocial bookmarking |
Free |
H |
72= |
5 |
edublogsBlogging tool for educators |
Free |
H |
72= |
5 |
eXeSCORM content authoring |
Free |
D |
50= |
5 |
FreemindMind mapping tool |
Free |
D |
– |
4 |
GaragebandPersonal recording studio |
Free |
D |
57= |
5 |
Google AlertsKeep track of new information |
Free |
H |
101= |
5 |
Google AppsCommunication/collaboration |
£ |
H |
31= |
5 |
Internet ExplorerWeb browser |
Free |
D |
43= |
5 |
iPodMP3 player |
£ |
– |
72= |
5 |
KeynotePresentation software |
£ |
D |
26= |
5 |
NetvibesPersonal start page |
Free |
H |
– |
5 |
NvuWeb authoring tool |
Free |
D |
– |
5 |
WetpaintWiki tool |
Free |
H |
58 |
72= |
4.5 |
Adobe ReaderPDF Reader |
Free |
D |
59= |
50= |
4 |
PhotoshopPhoto/Image editing tools |
£ |
D |
– |
4 |
BasecampCollaborative, project management tool |
Free/£ |
H |
50= |
4 |
ElluminateWeb meeting/conferencing |
Free/£ |
H |
40= |
4 |
Google EarthGeographic information |
Free |
D |
36= |
4 |
Google ScholarSearch for scholarly literature |
Free |
H |
– |
4 |
LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP |
Free |
D |
72= |
4 |
NotepadHTML and text editor |
Free |
D |
– |
4 |
OneNotePersonal Information Manager |
£ |
D |
– |
4 |
Opera/Opera miniWeb browser |
Free |
D |
– |
4 |
Paint.NETImage and photo editing |
Free |
D |
– |
4 |
StumbleuponSocial bookmarking tool |
Free |
H |
– |
4 |
UstreamLive, interactive broadcasting |
Free |
H |
– |
4 |
WinkSoftware demonstration tool |
Free |
D |
72= |
4 |
YugmaWeb meeting/conferencing |
Free/£ |
D |
73= |
22= |
3.5 |
ThunderbirdEmail client |
Free |
D |
74= |
101= |
3 |
BlackboardCourse management system |
£ |
D |
101= |
3 |
Bubbl.usMind mapping tool |
Free |
D |
– |
3 |
ClassToolsCreate Flash-based learning |
Free |
D |
72= |
3 |
Drupal/DrupalEdContent management system |
Free |
D |
– |
3 |
FilezillaFTP client |
Free |
D |
72= |
3 |
FurlSocial bookmarking tool |
Free |
H |
– |
3 |
Google AnalyticsWebsite analysis tool |
Free |
C |
101= |
3 |
Google Sites/JotspotWiki tool |
Free |
H |
– |
3 |
iMovieVideo editing software |
£ |
D |
– |
3 |
LectoraCourse authoring tools |
£ |
D |
36= |
3 |
MediaWikiWiki tool |
Free |
D |
– |
3 |
PolldaddyPolling and survey tool |
Free |
H/C |
– |
3 |
RSSReally Simple Syndication |
Free |
– |
– |
3 |
SkitchScreen capture tool |
Free |
D |
– |
3 |
SMART BoardInteractive whiteboard tools |
Free |
D |
– |
3 |
Survey MonkeySurvey and questionnaire tool | Free |
H |
57= |
3 |
Yahoo MailWeb-based email |
Free |
H |
91 |
57= |
2.5 |
TeacherTubeInstructional video sharing site |
Free |
H |
Ranking |
Tool |
Votes |
Description |
Cost |
Avail |
2008 |
2007 |
92= |
72= |
2 |
Adobe PresenterNarrated presentations |
£ |
D |
72= |
2 |
CmapConcept mapping tool |
Free/£ |
D |
– |
2 |
Comic LifeCreate comics from photos |
£ |
D |
101= |
2 |
CourseLabCourse authoring tool |
Free |
D |
101= |
2 |
Cute PDF WriterPDF Conversion tool |
Free |
D |
– |
2 |
DiggSocial bookmarking and rating |
Free |
H |
101= |
2 |
eSnipsUpload and share files |
Free |
H |
101= |
2 |
FeedBlitzFeed to email service |
Free |
H |
101= |
2 |
GabcastPhone in your podcast |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
GcastPodcasting service |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
GeogebraMathematics software |
Free |
D |
43= |
2 |
GIMPImage/photo editing tool |
Free |
D |
72= |
2 |
GliffyDiagramming tool |
Free |
H |
40= |
2 |
Google DesktopComputer search/organiser |
Free |
D |
50= |
2 |
Google NotebookPersonal online notebook |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
iPhotoPhoto management tool |
£ |
D |
– |
2 |
Joomla!Content management system |
Free |
D |
101= |
2 |
MeeboInstant messaging tool |
Free |
H |
101= |
2 |
MindMeisterMind mapping tool |
Free/£ |
D |
101= |
2 |
MozyOnline backup tool |
£ |
H |
– |
2 |
OmniFocusTask management tool |
£ |
D |
72= |
2 |
OmniGraffleDiagramming tool |
£ |
D |
– |
2 |
OmniOutlinerKeep track of projects |
£ |
D |
– |
2 |
ooVooVideo chat and conferencing |
Free |
D/H |
72= |
2 |
Paint Shop ProImage editing tool |
£ |
D |
57= |
2 |
PicasaPicture editing tool |
Free |
D |
– |
2 |
Portable appsSuite of apps for a USB stick |
Free |
D |
72= |
2 |
QuicksilverInterface to work with PC apps on Mac |
£ |
D |
– |
2 |
Remember the MilkManage your tasks |
Free |
H |
72= |
2 |
SafariWeb browser |
Free |
D |
– |
2 |
ScratchCreate interactive stories/animations |
Free |
D/H |
50= |
2 |
ScribdDocument hosting and sharing site |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
Sony Vegas VideoVideo production tool |
£ |
D |
72= |
2 |
TiddlyWikiPersonal wiki tool |
Free |
D |
– |
2 |
TrillianIM Aggregator |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
tumblrMicro-blogging platform |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
UbuntuLinux-based operating system |
Free |
D |
– |
2 |
WikisOf all types |
Free |
D/H |
– |
2 |
Windows LiveWriterDesktop blogging tool |
Free |
D |
50= |
2 |
Yahoo GroupsCommunity tool |
Free |
H |
– |
2 |
ZamzarOnline file conversion tool |
Free |
D |
72= |
2 |
ZoteroFirefox add-on to support research |
Free |
D |