My thanks to Jesus Matinez Marin and the organising committee for inviting me to address the Congreso Internacional EDO 2010 Conference in Barcelona (12-14 May). I only hope that I didn’t cause too many problems for the Spanish and Catalan translators who gave a real-time audio translation to the audience. I am particularly honoured to have been included in the official book “Nuevas estrategias formativas para las organizaciones“, which (relying on Google Translate) means “New training strategies for organizations”.
The presentation I gave is available on Slideshare and embedded below.
I very much appreciate the hospitality shown to me during my stay in Barcelona and look forward to continued collaboration with the Generalitat de Catalunya Department de Justicia as they develop their knowledge management strategy.
The presentation I gave looks at the phenomenon of Communities of Practice in the public sector and how they can develop into effective knowledge sharing and learning environments. Topics I covered included:
- What is a ‘Community of Practice’ (CoP)?
- Moving from conversations to collaboration
- Community culture and behaviours
- What makes a successful community?
- Measuring success and the elusive ROI
- Lessons learnt from deployment of CoPs in UK local government.