I was drawn to this item on the Phronesis blog by Bev Trayner. The Knowledge Management for Development Journal (KM4D Journal) has issued a call for papers on “Stewarding Technologies for Collaboration, Community Building & Knowledge Sharing in Development”, for their KM4Dev Journal Vol. 3, Issue 1, June 2007 publication. It appealed to me with respect to the work I’ve been engaged on at the IDeA for development of a Community of Practice strategy, which included a technology component (web site) for support of on-line collaboration. An abstract from Bev’s blog:
The ‘Knowledge Management for Development Journal’ (KM4D Journal) is an open access, peer-reviewed, community-based journal on knowledge management in development – for and by development practitioners and researchers. The journal is closely related to the KM4dev community of practice, and can be read and downloaded at: www.km4dev.org/journal
Vol. 3, Issue 1, to be published in June 2007, will focus on innovative practices and uses of ‘technologies for knowledge sharing’. This focus comes on the wave of new web based tools and processes supporting knowledge sharing, knowledge management and organizational learning that have emerged. Sometimes called “Web 2.0” technologies, these tools allow people to collaborate over time and distance in both new ways and in new networked forms. It builds on previous issues on the importance of networks, working across boundaries and even sustainability.
Guest editors are comprised of Nancy White, Beth Kanter, Beverly Trayner, Partha Sarker and Brenda Zulu, in combination with Chief Editor, Lucie Lamoureux.
Proposed deadlines
- Submission deadline for the title and abstract 28 February 2007
- Acceptance of paper proposal 15 March 2007
- Submission of paper 15 April 2007
- Peer-review completed 15 May 2007
- Author revision completed and final version of paper submitted 31 May 200
- (e)-publication date 15 June 2007
If anyone wishes to submit a paper, or be actively involved in this initiative in any other ways, you shoiuld send your abstract (minimum one paragraph – maximum one page) or your message by email to km4dj-editors@dgroups.org